When it comes to compliance in the card payment space, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is the rule by which all card transactions must abide. Founded in 2006 by the major credit card processors, the PCI DSS addresses and helps alleviate vulnerabilities within the payment card ecosystem (i.e. POS, online and mobile shopping apps, wireless hotspots, etc.). The security controls and processes for implementing PCI DSS can be daunting, but penalties for non-compliance can be steep, not to mention the extensive damage done to a company’s brand if they are hacked. However, using Sysnet’s proprietary software, staying compliant is simplified and maintains the same customer-focused branding message throughout the card payment process.
According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, in 2017 alone there were 302 data breaches, exposing over 14 million debit and/or credit cards. While hackers try to play the role of the Grinch this holiday season, the team at Sysnet is working hard to keep card data safe by implementing industry-leading compliance software backed by an amazing customer experience (CX).
For over two decades, Sysnet has been a global leader in compliance and cybersecurity in the financial sector. Representing over 1.2 million merchants and six of the top ten global acquiring banks, Sysnet is well recognized in the card payment industry. What sets Sysnet apart from the rest is that its software is white-labeled, allowing the client to develop bank-branded software powered by Sysnet’s technology. This allows the merchant to remain within a trusted, card payment environment while the acquirer provides a seamless customer experience. Additionally, Sysnet provides self-service and managed compliance solutions for SMBs. Whether it’s a simple nudge in the right direction or end-to-end compliance needs, Sysnet delivers an outstanding customer experience with its EDGE quality model:
Educate – our people and our client’s customers
Discover – our clients’ needs
Grow – our business and our client’s business
Evolve – together as one team
In order to maintain their reputation of providing top-notch CX, Sysnet turned to Bright Pattern in June of 2017 to provide voice solutions to Sysnet’s three global call centers. Shortly after migration, a hurricane disrupted voice service to Sysnet’s Atlanta call center, but Bright Pattern’s call rerouting made the transition to the other two call centers seamless and uptime was not compromised. In fact, as of this writing, using Bright Pattern’s CCaaS, Sysnet has maintained a perfect 100% uptime. With a growing emphasis on CX in the financial sector, this statistic should be the norm and not the exception.
As compliance and cybersecurity continue to evolve, Sysnet and Bright Pattern will remain vigilant partners to keep payment card information out of the hands of hackers.