I once surveyed my customers on their understanding of our jargon. They could rank terms on this scale:
- I have no idea what you are talking about.
- I have a vague idea what that means, but I really can't explain it.
- I have a good understanding, but would be hard pressed to explain it to anyone else.
- I get it. And I could discuss it with a peer.
- I know that so well that I could explain it to my boss and even the CEO.
Our goal is content that addresses your needs as a technical evaluator / buyer, and also to provide content that helps you explain things to and convince your boss and bosses boss.
We all know that the march to the cloud is underway, but that doesn't mean that you won't have some tough nuts to crack in your own organization. In that spirit, we are always on the lookout to find and create content that may seem obvious to you, but that you can forward to the people who need convincing with a simple "FYI" or "I thought you might find this interesting."
Today's offering is a whitepaper with a good mix of plain talk, business benefits, and research-based results charts.
It is called "Increase Use of Managed, Hosted and Cloud Services to Boost Business Success"