You would never buy a new computer for the sake of just one feature, like Skype. It goes without saying that, by ignoring the wealth of other time-saving and productivity-enhancing features the computer has to offer, to do so would be a tremendous...
About Sergey Menshikov

Get Your Agents Off the Phone (and Onto Email for Contact Centers)
Service Level Calculations Infographic
I always have a hard time reading service level formulas. Indeed, a couple of online publications list the same calculation twice, worded differently. We at Bright Pattern use the formula #4 so that short-abandoned calls have no impact, as people...
What’s a Good Service Level or ASA Target?
Selecting an acceptable service level threshold and average speed of answer target has always seemed an inexact science to me. Where should the numbers come from? Why must the calls be answered in 20 seconds?
Beat the Competition with Future Technology
The future is here, are we?
The largest transformational lifestyle changes we are experiencing are related to huge advances in data communications and storage technologies. Come to think about it: it is much easier to search today than memorize - we...
Introducing our new WFM Call Center Calculator
A new tool in our Resources section helps with calculating staffing levels:
Agent Focus - Dealing with Multi-media, Multi-interaction Contacts
Today, agents increasingly handle multiple interactions at the same time (e.g., chat), the interactions could span multiple media types, and the can be related to same or different contacts. Accounting for what they are working on at each moment of...
Would your Contact Center Agents Role-play as Comic-book characters to Delight your Customers?
Amazon has known for the high quality of service it provides to its customers.
However, not all instances of great customer service are produced in the same fashion. In a routine chat session about an issue with a book order, one lucky customer...
Today's Connected Customers Expect a Rich Contact Experience
During the 2013 holiday shopping season, Deloitte interviewed over 5,000 U.S.-based consumers and found that 47% of participants said: “the Internet” was their favorite shopping destination, while the prior year’s...