Data from Aberdeen Group shows that the public cloud contact centers do a better job than in-house users at reducing costs, which adds flexibility and helps to better satisfy clients.
The data comes from an Aberdeen Group Report, Optimizing the Customer Experience Through Cloud Contact Centers, authored by Omer Minkara, Research Director, Contact Center & Customer Experience Management.
Broadly, Aberdeen Group's findings show that public cloud users realize a greater decrease in customer care costs (4.8%) than in-house users (2.1%). By leveraging cloud contact centers, they are lowering their structural costs and reallocating the savings to customer experience improvement initiatives.
Further, the data shows that cloud contact centers do better at customer retention, year-over-year, than in-house users. Again, infrastructure costs-savings are available to re-invest in new process development or technology upgrades that enhance the customer experience, leading to higher retention.
The report found that 48% of the Best-in-Class contact centers used cloud-based infrastructure, and 38% of the on-premise/in-house contact centers were actively considering a cloud based solution.
Abderdeen Group recommends that contact centers, to improve their performance, track historical customer traffic across all engagement channels, and pair that with business intelligence analytics, to optimize agent demand forecasts.
Empowering agents with the right processes and technology tools can help too, and cloud-based technology enables utilization-based fee structures, making the solutions available to companies that can't afford to deploy them in-house.
Finally, cloud contact centers enable scaling up and down on-demand, as the business environment demands; regular reporting and ongoing monitoring can help contact centers understand the ebb and flow of customer traffic, to quickly respond to demand.
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