"Transforming Your Contact Center Into an Essential Corporate Contributor"

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Once again, Donna Fluss hits the nail on the head. If you don't already get it, you should subscribe to her newsletter.

Her feature story this week, if I can summarize:

If you run a contact center, you are at risk of being marginalized unless you do something about it. There are specific steps that you can take to not only prevent being marginalized but to becoming extremely and strategically relevant, including transforming into a profit center and assuming responsibility for social media.

Unlike most people who work in this industry, I came from the outside.

In my last 4 stints, two were in virtualization and two were in IT security. One startup, one mid-sized, and two large global enterprises. In all of them, I owned the corporate brand--the company image and reputation.

I had no interest in contact centers until I saw what the future was.

Contact centers are in a unique position to measure and impact the brand right on the front lines. They are right there, interacting with prospects and customers every day. They can measure sentiment, they can gather anecdotes, and they can collect important metrics. 

Donna's advice is visionary and certainly leaves one wanting more (like: "How exactly am I going to do that?"). I think we can count on more useful content from her. For my part, I will tell you that I joined Bright Pattern n part because I saw the promise of the ServicePattern platform as arguably the only contact center platform that could support you as you make your strategic transformation.


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