Teleprospecting Drives Inside Sales Effectiveness

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A report from the Aberdeen Group shows that marketing-led teleprospecting initiatives in support of inside sales efforts improve performance, with companies leveraging teleprospecting realizing a year-over-year revenue increase of 14.4 percent, compared to 6.8 percent for companies with no such initiative.

Teleprospecting is a perfect application for outbound call center technology.

Companies with marketing-led teleprospecting activities also saw 44 percent of inside sales reps attain quota, versus 35 percent for other companies. Lead acceptance was higher too, clocking in at 4.7 percent versus 3.2 percent.

The study surveyed 638 businesses.

The upshot is that, businesses with a marketing team that assumes a key role in inside sales efforts are well-positioned to help reps attain quota. Additionally, the year-over-year revenue in these businesses shows that the benefits go beyond simply increasing the number of qualified leads that are generated.

With the average inside sales rep carrying an annual quota of $932K (Bridge Group, Inc.), these numbers, and potential performance gains, are nothing to scoff at.


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