Now THAT'S Scalability

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I haven't started an essay with a Websters' definition of Mr. Evans' fifth-grade class, but here goes:

Webster's defines scalability as "capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demand." Of course, the devil's in the details, and everyone claims scalability  So let's look at what makes Bright Pattern's ServicePattern platform uniquely scalable as a cloud contact center for sales and customer service:

  • Big. As you can read in our recent press release about setting a new scalability benchmark, ServicePattern easily handles 5,000 agents in a single server cluster. And yes, you can add more clusters for more agents. And yes, those are standard servers, nothing special.
  • Small. The same platform elegantly handles 5 agents.

What do we mean by elegantly and why is it important?

Most software has different products for different scales of use. You don't often find a payroll application (for example) that works just as well for 5 employees and 5,000. That's because small, mid-size, and large companies generally have different needs.

The same is true for  contact centers.  A small contact center would use, for example, wizards to quickly get up and running. But an enterprise IT department would need powerful integration and import tools.

Because ServicePattern was written from the ground up as a true cloud application that is designed for the way you work, just one product can satisfy all sizes of customers. It truly scales from 5 to 5,000. No one else can do that, and it tells you something very important about why Bright Pattern claims that we are "changing the pattern of customer service".

Read more about ServicePattern scalability.


About David

Marissa Mayer and the Telecommuting Kerfuffle 88% say cloud computing cuts costs

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