Bright Pattern Blog for Contact Centers

Approachable Enterprise Part 2: Speed up Your Chat with a Call

Written by Shelby Faris | Apr 27, 2017 1:00:00 PM

Last month I posted a blog on the “approachable enterprise”, with the presumption that many companies are difficult for customers to interact with. Part one of this blog series covered the topic of omnichannel capabilities and discussed how to make your enterprise more approachable by allowing your customers to interact on any channel they prefer.

In today’s blog I am going to expand on a specific omnichannel feature that customers are beginning to demand: escalating chat to voice.

Imagine a time when you have been shopping online and have a question pertaining a certain item. Many online sites have the option to live chat with a representative to solve issues or assist in checking out. But, if the chat interaction is taking too long, do you have the option to change channels? Can you escalate the chat interaction to a voice call or live video?

With most multichannel contact centers, the customer would be forced to speak with a different representative if they decide to alter their channel. This is because although the enterprise offers all the relevant channels, the channels do not blend seamlessly. In most cases they even have siloed departments and technology for each channel.

To offer seamless escalation, enterprises need to acquire omnichannel contact center technology. Bright Pattern helps enterprises become as approachable as a friend or relative, perhaps even more so. With Bright Pattern Contact Center, any company can enjoy the same level of ease of customer communication today.